Mirror, Mirror
If we are fearing what we believe others think of us, we are not living our best and most authentic life. We are playing small, despite our spirit knowing we were born for more—much more.
Buying into a belief that others are judging us, is really our own selves judging our own selves. It is a mirror to our own internal struggle with our own greatness. Once we understand we are complete and whole, we begin to move into our authenticity… our reason for being, which creates a solid platform from which to build our dream life; a life that serves others and, within that, our own selves and our loved ones.
It is easier to play small. To fit into the status quo and blend in. However, if we continue in this way, what was once the easiest path becomes the most uncomfortable. If we are to believe we came into this life with a knowing of why we came in, even if we cannot consciously remember, there will always be a discomfort if we choose anything less that who we truly are. We are here to serve in multiple ways—in ways only we can in our own one-ness, yet unique-ness. Can you feel it?
The energy that is being now felt on a mass level by those whom are awake to it, is a calling to become who we truly know we are. Once we step into this authenticity, this not caring what “others” may think (read: what we think of ourselves), we learn quickly that we have always been enough and now it is time to shine the light for others who also need to hear this message.
Are you ready?