Holistic Practitioner Recommendations
Some of the following practitioners are those I worked with during my journey to fully heal Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Some I have connected with during my work as a holistic health journalist. I am forever grateful for the wisdom they gifted and the support they gave me. It is an honour to now introduce you to them. Most of these practitioners can work remotely.
I also offer holistic wellness sessions for women. Please click here for further details.
Cynthia Morgan
A modality that accesses the subconscious mind to enable re-programming with empowering beliefs
Lee-Anne McCall
A natural form of medicine used by 200 million people
to treat acute and chronic.
Energy Work+
Jocelyn Oades
Non-physical and physical work via potent energy and
plant medicines.
Energy Work
Cara Elliott
Energetic body work and intuitive counselling to support
whole body health.
Heavy Metal Detoxification
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt
Global expert on heavy metals and their impact on the body.
Elly Grace Numia
Naturopathy uses plant wisdom to support whole body
vitality. Also see Elly for bodywork to support healing.
Naturopathy, herbalism & wholefoods
Janella Purcell
Naturopathic wisdom and wholefood expertise.
Intuitive Counsel
Rebecca Dettman
Wise woman intuitive counsel to support your healing
beyond the physical.
Jeannine de Vere Hunt
A profound modality to access innate healing wisdom.
Traditional Chinese Medicine & Herbs
Karen Pohlner
Specialising in women’s holistic health from a TCM
perspective. Herbs & acupuncture.
Cellular Nutrition+
Glen Curd
Live blood analysis and RIFE frequencies to give a true
view of what is happening within.
Naam Yoga
Emily Spence
Using mudras, breath, mantras and posture, Naam Yoga
is a massage for the mind, body, and soul.
Chakras, Crystals, Shamanic Work+
Markus van der Westhuizen
EFT Tapping
Gail Mae Ferguson
EFT Tapping wisdom, sessions, and scripts
The Healing Angel Protocol
Phoenix Rising Star
High consciousness healing
Quantum EFT
Jenny Johnston
Judy Satori
Light language transmissions. I highly recommend Judy’s
free Breaking Through six-week series and Ascension
Library membership.
Sandy Holmes
Soul coach and energy healer
Tyler Tolman
Fasting and wholefood wisdom. Bali retreats.
Vanessa Lougoon
Grounded soul mastery
Be inspired to embrace your own wisdom
Mother’s Circle
Empowering your journey
Channelled by Blair Styra
North America’s leading certification for safer beauty and personal care products.
Environmental Working Group
Detox your environment using invaluable information
The Tapping Solution
A comprehensive site dedicated to EFT Tapping techniques
Women’s Cycles
Health courses for women, by women