Be Brave, Not Popular
It takes courage to step into authenticity and speak your truth. It takes strength to say what others may be too afraid to. It takes an unwavering belief in something bigger than the status quo to openly march to a different beat.
It is easy to be popular, to agree with what most believe to be true. Yet, popularity is not a badge of honour. Shining your authentic light, regardless of what others may think, now THAT is honourable.
Do not waver in the deep knowing of your innate truths. Do not succumb to ridicule of those who believe differently to you. Stand tall. Shine your light and TRUST you came here to make a difference way beyond your wildest dreams. Understand you are one of the golden links that has together to save humanity, to birth Mother Gaia and its inhabitants to a beautiful new beginning.
Know you are not alone in your pursuits, rather, you will be joined by others who care not about likes and shares, but whether their words, their deeds and their actions helped to open the hearts and minds of all of those around them.
Be brave, not popular. The world needs you.

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Main photo: @meiyingmeiying