Dissolving the Blame Game
Let’s talk about blame.
If we blame another for our discomfort, our perceived situation in life or other, we are merely prolonging our pain and suffering by not understanding the blame we are projecting is but a manifestation of not looking at our own stuff.
Any outside causes of our emotional pain are actually reflections of our own inner turmoil. Blame is simply a label and projection of that turmoil onto another so we don’t have to get real with ourselves.
We may blame genetics or the people around us for what we perceive to be a life out of order. But are either of these really the cause of the issue? No, they are not. A life out of balance has multi-faceted causes and each must be addressed within the woman herself. She must tap into her womb wisdom to understand the true roots of her pain, her discomfort and the physical manifestation of each.
The looking outside of ourselves to blame another, or to even look to another in the hope they will “fix things for us” is misguided and keeps us in avoidance of the buried emotions, angst and trauma that has separated us for eons.
As women, now is the time to lay aside every excuse, every desire to blame anyone or anything, and to step into the power we were born with—a power we muted because the fear of doing the opposite was too much to bare.
Now, we stand as a collective to reclaim what was never lost. It is the reclaiming of our Divine Feminine certainty and wisdom that will open the doorways to a blessed future. However, there can be no more procrastinating and burying of what we fear may break us. For it is within the breaking that diamonds emerge.
Are you ready to shine?