Healing Prolapse Takes Courage
The following is an excerpt from my book, HEALING PROLAPSE: Where to Begin, available here.
When someone makes a sweeping statement about pelvic organ prolapse, saying healing isn’t possible, it reveals more about the person saying it than the ears listening to it.
Let’s break it down.
The mainstream medical model deals with prolapse by offering solutions to manage it (makes money for the person recommending it) or by cutting organs out (makes money for the person recommending it and the person doing the cutting).
If a patient were to heal, income is lost.
When another woman says healing prolapse isn’t possible, it is generally because she is repeating information that has been passed down from the mainstream medical model, trusting what she has been told must be true. If this woman, who believes such things, has prolapse herself, her healing journey is already over. She has been told healing isn’t possible, so, for her, it isn’t.
When some women see another has healed and they have not, it can be confronting, especially if they are not willing to do the work required to heal. It highlights a deep-seated fear within the woman about her own self, her own power and greatness. Most women would rather play small than embrace their God-given divinity and greatness. It is how society programmed us to be, after all.
To journey the healing path in this life is the road less travelled. It is also a tough journey when we consider most people say healing prolapse isn’t possible. It becomes an art, for the woman who truly wants to heal, to tune out from the naysayers and tune into her inner wisdom. For it is within the inner wisdom lie the seeds of possibility and the door to the body’s innate healing abilities.
Those new to holistic healing (or even for those who have had some experience with it), may not be aware there are incredible therapies that trigger healing in profound ways. While the mainstream medical model may not be able to provide answers to seemingly hopeless symptoms, there are holistic practitioners who are helping women recover from the very symptoms most say cannot be healed. I know many.
If you cannot find another woman who has healed from the same symptoms as you, that does not matter. When I embarked on my healing journey, no one was saying healing was even a remote possibility. I found just one article, buried deep within the tumbleweeds of Google, about a woman who had healed. Other than that, everyone said it was impossible. Of course, I said, f&*k that and healed anyway.
My message to you is this: if you want to heal from prolapse, whatever your unique symptoms may be, believe you can and move forward from there. Understand your darkest days can be the days of breakthrough. Healing isn’t up to anyone else, it lies with you. You are the captain of your ship, not those who repeat falsities and yet know nothing of your potential and abilities—or the incredible healing know-how of the human body.
Most of all, never lose hope. Hope is the fuel that guides us to the next step, then the next step, then the next step. Without hope, we lose our ability to heal.
If you would like to access my book HEALING PROLAPSE: 100+ Affirmations for Your Journey Within, please click here for the PDF version, here for the special edition gold spiral-bound edition, click here for the ePub version on KOBO or here for the paperback and Kindle version.