The Big Distraction
If you’re a woman reading this, it’s time to wake up.
For too long, we have been distracted—lured—into thinking we are fat, unworthy and powerless. This wasn’t a mistake, by the way. It was a well-designed formatting of the subconscious and conscious minds to ensure we women didn’t access the potency and power we have since forgotten we possess.
But now, it’s time to wake the f*%k up.
All of those diets we spent our time trying to manage? A distraction.
All of those celebrities we looked up to, hoping we could be just like them? A distraction.
All of those reality shows that absorbed our time and conversations? A distraction.
All of those excessive bouts of alcohol consumption? A distraction.
All of those beauty tutorials and products that took hours of our time and thousands of our dollars? A distraction.
Anything that took us away from questioning life and connecting with The Great Spirit or God? Big distractions that have delivered us here, where we have handed our worth over to a minority who believe they can decide our futures.
It has all been a distraction to ensure we forget ourselves, so we don’t rise up to question or change the status quo—a collective reality of eroding rights and freedoms: ours.
These orchestrated distractions were put in place, so we women forget we are indeed witches of great sovereignty and wisdom. We women have the power to weave spells of great magic for the highest good of all. We women, when we come together, can make mountains move. It is precisely this power—these once innate “knowings” within us—that caused our ancestors to be burned at stakes, hung from trees or murdered in front of their children.
Now, it’s 2020, it’s time to wake the f*%k up.
How do we rise again? How do we truly remember and embody this power and potency that we were born with? We intend it into being. We shift the energy by speaking our potency and power back into form. We say “no more”, with the deepest conviction, to anything that makes us feel less than or prompts old patterns of suppressing emotions until they’re so buried they make us sick. We unite with other women whom we feel deeply connected with—those who are ready to remember who they truly are. Together, we can move mountains to build a new collective reality.
We must begin now.
Start circles of meditation and prayer, even if they are virtual. Give voice to the emotions that are rising but get stuck, speak words of hope and empowerment to our children, return to nature in all Her wisdom, so we too may connect again with ours. Say no to the status quo, even when it feels uncomfortable. Above all, radiate a love so big, so intense and so pure that it can only attract more of the same.
We did not come here to be distracted. We women came here to shine our light and share our gifts with the world, so together we may create a New Earth of love, light and fairness for all.
The time has come to be consciously aware of the distractions and consciously move away from them. The time has come to consciously own our power and act from that, and only that.
It’s time to wake the f*%k up.
Featured photo: Sandra Seitamaa
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