Love Over Fear: How to Choose It
The collective fear that has swept the planet has always been there within those who are holding that vibration. Now, it is simply being unleashed and projected across social media and in real time.
Yet, if we step back and really look, the fear that has been programmed into millions of minds over many years, largely by mainstream media and their “news”, we see it is easy to put a world into panic within moments, whether the storyline is accurate or not.
What is it we are fearing? Ultimately, it is harm or death of ourselves or our loved ones. However, when we truly understand that the soul cannot die, fear dissolves. Being in fear is, ultimately, a rejection of the flow of life and, to be in a constant state of it, is a form of death in and of itself.
It is also true that we are the creators of our own reality. Regardless of what is going on in the environment around us, we are the true tellers of our own stories. We just need to have the awakening. When we do awaken we can clearly see how it is uncomfortable and detrimental to be absorbed by fear and all that comes with it. Love and gratitude override the low vibration that fear is. What we embody is a choice.
It is also true that we are the creators of our own reality. Regardless of what is going on in the environment around us, we are the true tellers of our own stories.
When we do not look outside of ourselves for the answers; when we trust our intuition and come to know our higher selves, we become rock solid in the understanding that all is unfolding for our highest good. We raise our vibration and our immunity naturally improves. What we attract lights us up and fuels our resolve.
Fear can only manifest more of the same and all that comes with that.
Going within teaches us to switch off from those who tell us the answers we seek are “out there”. The answers have never been outside of ourselves. We have simply been told to look to others for validation that what we are doing is right. The only expert we need to consult for our daily matters is our own self. If we take the time to listen, we will hear answers that pertain to our own wellbeing, as well as the good of all.
Now is the perfect time to drown out the noise in order to hear the truth of our own hearts, which hold the wisdom of the ages and of the eternal. Releasing fear begins by going within. If every person on the planet did this, we would soon see a collective reality that looks very different to the current one that is consumed by the what ifs being put forth as fear.
Focus on the heart space to begin the shift from fear to love. It has always been the heart that holds the key. There is no degree needed to access it. We were all born with the knowing of this. Now, it’s time to remember.
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Main image by: Priscilla Du Preez